
  • Natural Treatments for Arthritis

    Natural Treatments for Arthritis

    Dr Axe shares about arthritis and nutrition. Arthritis Diet: 1. Omega 3 fatty foods: wild caugh fish, grass-fed beef, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts 2. Foods high in sulfur: onions, garlic, asparagus, and cabbage 3. Bone Broth 4. Fruits and vegetables Foods to Avoid: 1. Excess sugar 2. Hydrogenated oils 3. Gluten Supplement: 1. Quality…

  • Ask Dr. Hill – Using Essential Oils During Pregnancy

    Ask Dr. Hill – Using Essential Oils During Pregnancy

    dōTERRA’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David Hill, talks about how you can use essential oils during pregnancy.  Also, a great book on this topic is Essential Oils in Pregnancy, Birth and Babies by Stephanie Fritz.

  • Dr. Axe and How To Cleanse Your Liver

    Dr. Axe and How To Cleanse Your Liver

    Your liver is your second largest organ and is vital to your body’s health, which is why it’s so important to detox your liver.  The top 5 ways you can detox your liver: 1. Remove all toxins from your diet (processed grains, sugars, fast foods, packaged foods, conventional meat and diary, and eat real foods)…

  • Back to School Essential Oil Considerations

    Back to School Essential Oil Considerations

    What do you say?  How about, “Let’s change our world this year.” Let’s make a choice to start out well and conquer our challenges.  Let’s empower those we love to have the best year possible. Here are some tips on how to get your kids to use essential oils throughout the day: Morning: Help the…

  • doTERRA’s Athletic Kit

    doTERRA’s Athletic Kit

    Achieve peak performance with a doTERRA Athlete’s Kit.  doTERRA was approached by a Division 1 Training program to put this kit together because of how helpful it had been with their athletes.  They even started using it in their recruiting process.  Get yours today!  

  • Different Aggressors: Different Approaches

    Different Aggressors: Different Approaches

    There is a lot more that can be said on this topic and I would recommend a book by Shawn T. Smith entitled Surviving Aggressive People: Practical Violence Prevention Skills for the Workplace and the Street for more information on this topic.  We are living in a day where violence is happening all around us. …

  • Breathe Respiratory Blend

    Breathe Respiratory Blend

    Respiratory issues are prevalent in modern society. doTERRA essential oils are a perfect way to ease breathing consistently for a sustained benefit. Breathe is a remarkable blend of CPTG essential oils which combine to do just that– help you breathe easier. A propriety blend including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, and Ravensara cleanses…

  • dōTERRA – TerraShield Natural Insect Repellent

    dōTERRA – TerraShield Natural Insect Repellent

    dōTERRA’s Dr. David Hill explains the benefits of using TerraShield® as a safe and natural insect repellent.  

  • Peppermint Essential Oil

    Peppermint Essential Oil

    Peppermint is popular in countless forms– from toothpaste to chewing gum. As an essential oil, it is useful to ease breathing and as a digestive aid.  

  • Look at What’s New!  doTERRA’s Athlete’s Kit

    Look at What’s New! doTERRA’s Athlete’s Kit

    Achieve peak performance with a doTERRA Athlete’s Kit.  I am SO excited!