Essential Oils
Why You Should Choose doTERRA Essential Oils
dōTERRA is committed to providing the purest, most potent essential oils possible. dōTERRA employs a global network of farmers who knows intimately the process of growing plants for essential oils. Every dōTERRA essential oil is put through the highest standard of rigorous and thorough testing and sets the bar for quality, purity, efficacy, and consistency.…
8 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Coconut ~ Dr. Axe
Coconut is one of the best super foods available. Here are 8 medically based reasons you should be consuming coconut every day. 1. Coconut increases fat loss within 1-3 months 2. It reduces the risk of alzheimer’s and can boost brain health 3. Helps wounds heal faster and is also effective at reducing cellulite 4.…
What is a doTERRA Essential Oil?
There are no wasted efforts in nature. Have you ever wondered what the role of essential oils is in seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants? Essential oils play key roles reproductive, protective, and regenerative purposes. Watch this video and consider the endless applications of these gifts from the earth! These…
Fair Skin, Red Hair and Sunglasses? Maybe This Isn’t So Cool…
The pituitary gland is tied to your optic nerve and is sensitive to sunlight. When light enters your eyes, it triggers your pituitary gland to produce a melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) that activates your melanocytes to produce melanin. This means that wearing sunglasses can actually cause sunburn. Our skin is the body’s largest organ, and acts as…
Clear Up Acne with This One Essential Oil!
Ladies, This oil is for us! Like many oils it is a balancing oil that normalizes many women’s issues. ACNE: Place a drop on your skin over your ovaries once a day and say goodby to acne.
doTERRA Deep Blue Dr. David Hill Webinar
Justin Harrison and Dr. Hill share about the benefits of Deep Blue.
Assisting Cellular Health for Seasonal or Environmental Health ~ Dr Hill on doTERRA Products Part 3
Dr David Hill talks about the importance of using Essential Oils in your day to day life. Essential Oils have been very useful in this area. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Using Essential Oils In Your Day to Day Life Is SO Important
Thomas A. Edison “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”