Essential Oils
doTERRA Loyalty Rewards Program
The best way to get essential oils is to sign up with doTERRA’s Loyalty Rewards Program. Not only will you receive wholesale pricing, you will also receive an additional 10-30% off of your total purchase in product points.
doTERRA Membership Saves Money
When you buy an enrollment kit, you are able to shop directly from doTERRA and also save 25% off every purchase. The membership fee $35 is waived and you are able to shop at wholesale prices.
dōTERRA – Essential Oils for Newborns
dōTERRA’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David Hill, explains how to safely use essential oils on newborns.
Discover the All-Natural & Effective Veráge Skin Care Line
Veráge is an all-natural, pure and effective skin care program. Watch this video and learn what several skin care savants experienced when using this system. Free of all the additives, fillers and junk in ordinary skin care products, Veráge is an exclusive system of natural skin care products that nourish and hydrate skin while reducing…
What to do about chlorine exposure?
The best scenario is to swim in ozone or salt water pools. However, most people can’t choose what their health clubs use in their pools. Try to talk with the management anyway. The more people who bring up these concerns the better. There are many problems that chlorine exposure can cause. Rashes, breathing issues etc… …
The AromaTouch Technique
The Oils of AromaTouch Technique Stress Management Balance Creates a sense of calm and well-being Promotes whole-body relaxation Brings harmony to the mind and body Soothes sore muscles and joints Evokes feelings of tranquility and balance Promotes circulation Supports cellular health and overall well-being Lessens stress and helps with anxious feelings and nerves Lavender Widely…
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson
doTERRA Sunsational Flavors Recipes
Check out these fantastic sunsational recipes. For more go to:
doTERRA Coriander Essential Oil Tip for the Skin
This video explains why using doTERRA Coriander Essential oil on your skin has wonderful benefits.
dōTERRA™ Wellness Philosophy
dōTERRA™ Essential Wellness is a company founded on a wellness philosophy of healthy lifestyle choices and informed proactive participation in one’s own healthcare alternatives. dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils and other wellness products are specifically formulated to support a wellness philosophy of eating right, exercising, resting and managing stress, and reducing toxic load.…