Stress and Depression
Studies show that higher levels of cortisol increase risk for depression. Chronic increased stress or high cortisol levels can be very harmful to a person in many different ways. It is not just a mental health concern, although for a long time most in the mental health field have known this. Increased stress levels, especially…
Want To Lose Belly Fat?
Cut sugary foods and drinks (pasta, breads, white sugar foods and juices) Control your partying. Stop drinking large amounts of alcohol. Cut out the TransFats causing inflammation Walk, run, swim, cycle… Move (In the morning is best) Balance your metabolism Start your day with protein Add more protein into your diet ~ 6 small meals per…
What Is Cupping Therapy, and Why Does Michael Phelps Swear By It?
It’s all due to a technique called cupping therapy. But is there actually any science behind it? By Paige Carlotti August 8, 2016 Competing in the Olympics is definitely grueling, but it’s not the sports that are responsible for some of the bruises on several of the top athletes. For instance, swimmer Michael Phelps and…
Deep Blue Essential Oil Blend
According to recent studies, more than half of us are sufferers of ongoing discomfort. Deep Blue is doTERRA’s soothing solution to this challenge. Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, German Chamomile, Helichrysum, and Osmanthus work together to ease achy joints and sore muscles. Its effects are deep and penetrating with sustained results.
Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex
PRIMARY BENEFITS Patent-pending, fast-acting frankincense extract shown to help support muscle and joint comfort and function Includes proprietary, standardized extracts of ginger, curcumin, resveratrol, and other polyphenols to soothe occasional aches and discomfort Can be used in tandem with Deep Blue® Rub or Deep Blue Soothing Blend Contains the dōTERRA Tummy Tamer Blend of Peppermint,…
Natural Treatments for Arthritis
Dr Axe shares about arthritis and nutrition. Arthritis Diet: 1. Omega 3 fatty foods: wild caugh fish, grass-fed beef, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts 2. Foods high in sulfur: onions, garlic, asparagus, and cabbage 3. Bone Broth 4. Fruits and vegetables Foods to Avoid: 1. Excess sugar 2. Hydrogenated oils 3. Gluten Supplement: 1. Quality…
Kids ~ Anxiety
The Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS), in addition to other studies on treating childhood anxiety disorders, found that high-quality cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), given with or without medication, can effectively treat anxiety disorders in children. One small study even found that a behavioral therapy designed to treat social phobia in children was more effective than…