Did you know that INCONTINENCE is the leading cause of nursing home placement for women?
I was talking to a friend who shared that with me and I was surprised to hear that. A book called The Bathroom Key by Kathryn Kassai is described as “a treatment plan for women to cure their own incontinence issues. It also allows women to identify with other women through the anecdotal stories that echo their feelings of isolation and embarrassment and guides the reader to a better understanding of her body and effective remedies.”
On an Essential Oil Blog I saw this: “I just gave a bottle to my grandma for bed wetting and bladder issues. She has used it for 3 days and is in LOVE. She only wakes up once in the night instead of 3-4 times. She was close to wearing Depends and now feels like she will not need to go that way.” -Callie Chinen
Derived from the branches of the tall evergreen tree, Cypress essential oil has a fresh, clean aroma that’s energizing and refreshing. Cypress is frequently used in spas and by massage therapists for its ability to soothe tight, tense muscles, and promote circulation. Cypress can be diffused or inhaled directly to assist with clear breathing and healthy respiratory function. It can be used as a throat gargle for theme same benefits, but should not be swallowed or taken internally. Cypress contains monoterpenes, making it beneficial for oils skin conditions and to stimulate localized blood flow. It has a grounding, yet stimulating effect on emotions, making it a popular oil to diffuse during times of transition or loss.
Cypress Essential Oil ~ Talk to me before February 15, 2015 to Find out how to get your Free Gift This Month.
Aromatic Description:
Clean, fresh, woody, herbaceous
Some uses:
Diffuse, inhale, or gargle at the first signs of throat discomfort.
Rub on chest with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to support healthy breathing.
Apply to tight, sore muscles or use with a carrier oil for massage.
Mix together Cypress and Grapefruit essential oil with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and rub on problem areas to help give skin a firmer, more youthful appearance.
Add one or two drops to toner to help reduce oily skin conditions.
Put a drop on the pelvic bone to assist with bladder control.
Free Gift This Month for members who were enrolled for at least 1 month when you place your order before February 15, 2015.
The following information comes from Dr. Susan Lawson
Cupressus sempervirens
The Cypress (cupressaceae family) is a conifer that is found all over the world. The variety used for essential oils commonly comes from southern Europe. The essential oil is extracted from the cones and leaves of the tree. The most ancient living Cypress is located in Abarkooh, near Shiraz. Its age is estimated to be approximately 4000 years. dōTERRA Cypress interestingly comes from the Isle of Crete. It is steam distilled from the needles, twigs and cones (about 30 pounds will yield 1 pound of oil) of the tree. Sometimes the oil is used in men’s colognes and aftershaves. Cypress Oil is clear, and has a woody, nutty quality with a hint of spice.
Because Cypress is such a strong astringent, in much of the literature it is recommended for concerns that take advantage of this property. This includes items such as skin care, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and excess perspiration or undesirable odor of the feet. Cypress is often recommended for hemorrhoids using a wash, sitz bath, or direct application with or without a carrier. The same ointment can be used for varicose veins applied topically lightly to the area (no massage) with light strokes toward the heart. Cypress is a gentle diuretic. Some mention Cypress benefiting the symptoms of asthma when diffused properly. It is useful for all bronchial complaints and lung diseases like Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough and Pleurisy (use with Myrrh and Wild Orange).
All Recommendations or Suggestions are effective only with doTerra CPTG Oils
Studies have been made for internal treatment of whooping cough, the spitting up of blood, spasmodic coughs, colds, flu and sore throats. Studies have also explored cypress’ effectiveness as an astringent to aid varicose veins, hemorrhoids and tightening up the blood vessels. A University in Japan studied cypress foot baths to counter excessive sweating. Improves circulation and strengthens blood capillaries; anti-infectious, anti-rheumatic, astringent, calmative, deodorant, Prostatic decongestant, antispasmodic, discourages fluid retention; creates an atmosphere within the head (neurotonic) to reduce plaque on the brain and the hearing nerves. Due to it’s nature of improving circulatory system Cypress is great for supporting quality of life for diabetes, phlebitis and lymphatic system issues. Cypress is great for relieving acne, skin rashes, and rheumatic pain. Cypress has a special relationship with circulation in the lower abdomen for bladder health and female monthly discomfort and decongesting the Prostate. Cypress works well with muscle and tissue repair oils for rapid recovery after injury or surgical repair. Cypress can increase mental energy and attentiveness by reducing drowsiness and irritability. A drop of the essential oil on your pillow or diffused will lessen laryngitis, spasmodic coughing, relieve sinus congestion. (Some clients who have had their Gall Bladders removed report that Cypress is a great sedative if applied to the inside of the forearms or on the chest. Sleep happens fast, no idea why – just reporting results). Valnet suggested Cypress was an extraordinary oil to discourage cancer growth because of its’ ability to help cells remember the value of fluid balance and oxygen processing. Cypress can be used as a safe insect repellant for dogs against fleas and ticks (spritz along back of head and along the back before a run in the woods or apply on the skin between the fir strands-diluted 1:1). Works on people if spritz on legs and arms too.
Cypress’ (Emotional) Therapeutic Properties
The sour, astringent, and woody notes of the essence convey a feeling of cohesion and stability. At the same time, its fresh, coniferous (tall pine tree) pungency, and ability to circulate the Qi and blood, both relate it to both psychological transition and real-life change. Cypress oil’s basic subtle action is to help us cope with and accept even difficult change—of both an inner and outer nature. Encourages the process of ―taking in and letting go;‖ of the ability to accept and relinquish, dissolving remorse and instilling optimism, Cypress oil helps us to flow with the flux of life (getting unstuck).
Cypress diffused and applied on the vita flex points for the chest, can be a great support through the grieving process to allow suppressed, obstructive feelings to emerge to consciousness, liberating the energy that we spend in keeping them locked within. Self doubt can be relieved about possibilities for achieving personal happiness, encouraging the processing of old habits and patterns no longer necessary to get thru stressful situations. Mixes well with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh, Sandalwood and Wild Orange.
All applications to do with vascular repair apply gently, upward motion….
Calming bath: Cypress 5 drops, Marjoram 3 drops, Melissa 3 drops, Lemon 3 drops,Geranium 1 drop, and Fractionated Coconut Oil 1 teaspoon.
To aid in stimulating and detoxifying the Lymphatic System: Lymphatic Blend: 3 drops Cypress, 1 drop Wild Orange, and 2 drops Grapefruit
Phlebitis Blend: 10 drops Lemon, 5 drops cypress, and 4 drops White Fir Chest
Rub for Coughs: 2 ounces Fractionated Coconut Oil, 3 drops White Fir, 2 drops
Frankincense, 3 drops Cypress, 3 drops Ginger, 2 drops Thyme, and 1 drop Melaleuca.
Varicose Vein Blend: 4 drops Geranium, 1 drop Wintergreen, 1 drop Cypress, and 1 Drop Helichrysum
Cellulite elimination blend: 10 drops of Grapefruit, 5 drops of Lavender, 3 drops of Helichrysum, 3 drops Patchouli, and 4 drops of Cypress.
To Relieve Hypochondria: 5 Lavender and 4 drops Cypress
Powerful Brain Cleaner and Revitalizing Blend: Apply to bones behind the ears, the back of the neck up into the hair line, the forehead daily AM and PM. Helps with focus and if used daily for a minimum of 3 weeks can promote detoxing of heavy metal toxins and petrochemicals from the tissues in the brain; if funny taste appears in the mouth upon waking in the morning keep up the process for 6 more weeks. Minimum to purge old blockages….Must drink water to be really effective – 65% of body weight in ounces of just plain water…. Frankincense 10 drops, Sandalwood 7 drops, Melissa 5 drops, Cypress 6 drops, Lavender 6 drops, and Helichrysum 5 drops.
Cardiovascular Lymphatic system tune up: Cypress 4 drops, Marjoram 3, Helichrysum 2 drops, Ylang-Ylang 3 drops, and Patchouli 2 drops. Gently blend and apply to chest and vita flex points for conditioning blood pressure and vascular system healing.
Sitz Bath for Cystitis: (may also help with leaky bladder) 1⁄4 teaspoon of Epsom salts, Cypress 2 drops, Bergamot 1 drop, Thyme 1 drop, and Melaleuca 3 drops. Add oils to Epsom salts and then warm water to a shallow tub. Sit hip-deep in the tub for 15 minutes once or twice a day until the symptoms subside. (Unsweetened Cranberry juice, PB Assist and water consumption will help also)
General Circulation Blend and Tonic: 10 Drops of Wintergreen, 8 drops of Marjoram, 4 drops of Cypress, 3 drops of Basil and 2 drops of Peppermint.
Nosebleed Blend: 2 drops Cypress, 3 drops Geranium, and 2 drops of Lavender.
Neck Pain and Stiffness Relief Blend: 7 drops Basil, 5 Drops Wintergreen, 4 drops of
Cypress and 2 drops of Peppermint.
Mental Clarity in assisting retention of information: Cypress 5 drops, Rosemary 5 drops, Coriander 5 drops, and Fractionated Coconut Oil 1 tablespoon, gently mix and apply to the back of the neck and on bones behind the ears.
Mental Clarity when Seasons Change: Cypress 3 drops, Bergamot 5 drops, Peppermint 5 drops, Cinnamon 2 drops, and Fractionated Coconut Oil 1 tablespoon.
Sprains: Cypress 5 drops, Roman Chamomile 5 drops, Peppermint 5 drops, and Fractionated Coconut Oil 1 tablespoon.
Bruise Blend (to strengthen capillaries and speed reabsorbing of blood that had collected in the tissue) Big or little, deep or wide—it works! 5 drops Helichrysum, 4 drops Cypress, 3 drops Lavender, 3 drops Lemongrass, and 3 drops Geranium.
De-congesting Massage Blend: Cypress 4 drops, Rosemary 4 drops, Roman Chamomile 3 drops, White Fir 3 drops, Cinnamon 3 drops, Thyme 2 drops , Fractionated Coconut Oil 4 teaspoons.
Gentle Diuretic for excess fluid in legs and ankles: Cypress 5 drops, White Fir 5 drops, Grapefruit 5 drops, Patchouli 3 drops, Helichrysum 3 drops, Fractionated Coconut Oil 4 teaspoons.
General Mood Lifting Blend: Cypress 3 drops, Peppermint 5 drops, Thyme 4 drops, Grapefruit 4 drops, and Fractionated Coconut Oil 1 tablespoon.
Breathe More Easily in Stuffy Rooms Spritzer Blend: Cypress 30 drops, Eucalyptus 40 drops, Lemon 40 drops, Lavender 25 drops, Grapefruit 20 drops, 4 fluid ounces of pure water and 1⁄4 teaspoon of Epsom salts; pour oils into Epsom salts first and then add water to container with spritzer head and shake gently and spritz and breathe and enjoy.
Esteem Boosting Bath: 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts, Bergamot 3 drops, Cypress 2 drops, Patchouli 1 drop, Ylang-Ylang 1 drop, and White Fir 1 drop.
To Relieve Tension and Stress Induced Exhaustion: 6 drops Cypress, 4 drops Lavender, and 2 drops Clary Sage.
To Shift Feelings of Remorse and Inferior Self Judgment: 4 drops Cypress, 5 drops White Fir, and 4 drops Marjoram.
To Shift from a persistent sense of loss: 6 drops Cypress, 4 drops Frankincense, and 3 drops Elevation.
To Relieve Deep Inertia of the Spirit: 4 drops Cypress and 2 drops Ginger.
To Relieve Hemorrhoids: 2 drops Cypress and 2 drops Geranium.
To Relieve Charley Horses: 2 drops Cypress and 2 drops Lemongrass