Substance Abuse and Addiction

  • How Does Stress Impact Your Body

    How Does Stress Impact Your Body

    There are types or forms of stress.  Eustress is stress that we like (basketball games, running, etc).  Distress is stress that we do not like (bills, conflicts, difficulties with work etc).  Both can be harmful if we do not give ourselves a break.  Take a look at what the doctors say about stress.    

  • dōTERRA™ Wellness Philosophy

    dōTERRA™ Wellness Philosophy

    dōTERRA™ Essential Wellness is a company founded on a wellness philosophy of healthy lifestyle choices and informed proactive participation in one’s own healthcare alternatives. dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils and other wellness products are specifically formulated to support a wellness philosophy of eating right, exercising, resting and managing stress, and reducing toxic load.…

  • Blocks To Effective Listening

    Blocks To Effective Listening

    Just being quiet while someone talks DOES NOT constitute good listening. To be capable listener, you MUST collaborate in the process by asking questions and getting feedback from the speaker to determine if you are understanding him or her correctly. The goal is to give the speaker the feeling of having been HEARD. The first…

  • TRIANGULATION ~ Tired of Dysfunctional Drama?

    TRIANGULATION ~ Tired of Dysfunctional Drama?

    Trying to keep toxic patterns out of your life? Triangulation can be defined as indirect communication where one person acts as messenger between two others, often times altering or fabricating the message to suit the tale bearer’s objective. We can see this in families when one family member will not communicate directly with another family…

  • Why do I recommend that those struggling with addictions attend meetings?

    Why do I recommend that those struggling with addictions attend meetings?

    Why do I recommend that those struggling with addictions attend meetings?  I recommend that those struggling with addictions attend meetings because when they do, they have better success rates.  I see them becoming accountable to others who are honest with them AND at the same time they are loved in a very important way at…

  • Top 9 Herbs for Mental Health – Global Healing Center

    Top 9 Herbs for Mental Health – Global Healing Center

    By Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM Ever find yourself unable to remember what you did just two minutes ago? Or maybe you experience brain fog more often than you’d like. These days it seems to happen more frequently to all of us. Information overload, stress, and even the assortment of environmental…

  • How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Be Causing Depression and Other Mood Disorders

    How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Be Causing Depression and Other Mood Disorders

    10 Nutritional Deficiencies That Cause Depression and Mood Disorders By Kate Freer Depression and mood disorders are devastating health problems today. When you go to your doctor, their answer is often a prescription for one of the various popular anti-depressant drugs. Many doctors do not investigate for metabolic or nutritional deficiencies that may be the…

  • Thoughts Impacting Health

    Thoughts Impacting Health

    I am sure that most people would agree that stress can impact our health in a negative manner.  So part of functioning at an optimum health level will include reducing stress. Reduce Stress ~ Stress is toxic Therefore, breaking cycles that increase or add to stress in our lives is key.  Part of that includes…

  • doTERRA Deep Blue Dr. David Hill Webinar

    doTERRA Deep Blue Dr. David Hill Webinar

    Justin Harrison and Dr. Hill share about the benefits of Deep Blue.