Essential Oils

  • doTERRA Gardeners’ Journal

    doTERRA Gardeners’ Journal

    Essential oils can be valuable tools for every gardener. Whether you are trying to chase away garden pests, improve health and growth of the plants, or restore those gardener hands, essential oils can help. Here are some easy ways you can use essential oils to enhance your natural gardening experience. Clean Greenhouse I clean my…

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day

    doTERRA Mother’s Day 2015 5 mL Ylang Ylang with Customized Scarf   Surround yourself in the exceptionally delicate, beautifully fragrant aroma of Ylang Ylang essential oil. Designed exclusively for dōTERRA, this brightly colored scarf is designed with Ylang Ylang flower images and has an oil drop patch on one end where Ylang Ylang essential oil…

  • Endurance and Stamina

    Endurance and Stamina

    Mito2Max Promotes efficient production of ATP in the mitochondria of cells Enhances stamina and efficient use of oxygen Supports metabolic adaptation for diverse activities Improves mental energy   Perfect for endurance athletes!

  • AromaTouch Technique Certification Training

    AromaTouch Technique Certification Training

    REGISTER TODAY for the AromaTouch Technique Certification Training Everyone Attending Must Register in Advance Because We Have to Order the Products for You. $150.00 Includes the DVD, Oils and the Full Day Training Class is on April 6, 2015 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at O’Bannon Bank in Buffalo, MO The AromaTouch Technique is…

  • Long Life Vitality ~ Magnesium and Mental Health

    Long Life Vitality ~ Magnesium and Mental Health

    Magnesium Magnesium deficiency may lead to Anxiety and symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Studies show that individuals diagnosed with ADHD have lower levels of magnesium than those who do not. Low magnesium can lead to: Irritability Sleep disturbances Hyperactivity Aggressive behavior Magnesium is also a key factor in the production of serotonin, an…

  • IQ Omega

    IQ Omega

    dōTERRA IQ Mega™ takes the fishy taste out of fish oil and puts the fresh orange flavor of dōTERRA Wild Orange CPTG® essential oil in this great tasting and easy-to-swallow omega-3 supplement providing 1,000 mg of concentrated, pure fish oil per serving. IQ Mega contains the essential nutrients EPA and DHA to support healthy brain,…

  • February Wellness Workshop at Mama Jean’s Natural Market

    February Wellness Workshop at Mama Jean’s Natural Market

    It was great to see people come out for our second workshop.  Team RWB was present to support Daniel Harvey.  We met some new people in the community. Attendees received deep blue rub packets and one person won a $15.00 gift certificate.  We also heard some great wellness tips.  Make sure to come out for…

  • Relationship Issues

    Relationship Issues

    Depending on each individual client we will use different approaches to assist with your relationship goals. Some of these include: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectial Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Adventure Based Counseling, Motivational Interviewing, Behavioral Modification, Behavioral Therapy, Skill Development, Individual, Group and Family Therapy. She provides individual, family and group outpatient counseling for people of…

  • Cypress Essential Oil

    Cypress Essential Oil

    Did you know that INCONTINENCE is the  leading cause of nursing home placement for women? I was talking to a friend who shared that with me and I was surprised to hear that.  A book called The Bathroom Key by Kathryn Kassai is described as “a treatment plan for women to cure their own incontinence…

  • doTERRA Serenity Essential Oil Calming Blend

    doTERRA Serenity Essential Oil Calming Blend

    SERENITY Calming Blend [emc2alert type=”warning” style=”normal” position=”top” visible=”visible” closebtn=”0″ ]CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade[/emc2alert]   This oil is also known as “The Oil of Forgiveness”. Serenity essential oil blend calms the mind, relaxes the body, and soothes the soul, providing a safe haven from life’s daily stressors. The essential oils in this must-have blend were…