Abstain and Relax to Maintain Balance

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I was recently speaking with a friend who said, “You don’t need balance, it’s a myth.” I was surprised to hear that from someone who I have spent so much time with over the years. It’s been a proven mechanism to maintain health for centuries. After speaking with her for a while, it became evident that she may have relapsed with an addiction issue. I just came out and asked and she shared that she had been using again. It happens sometimes. Many people say that relapse begins before the actual use of the substance. This is why it is so important to practice different skills to help when the patterns of our pasts try to weasel their way back in. Some people fast and some people turn off TV but whatever the individual decides to abstain from, this practice builds strength in our souls. To say no to something helps each of us to increase our personal power when enticed and become a master of our mind, will and emotions when we need it most.

Many people use essential oils to help with their practice of skills. If you know us, you would attest that we encourage the use of oils in many aspects of your life. It is important that individuals use their own wills to overcome areas of weakness but at the same time we like to encourage people to support their efforts in many ways. Abstaining from what we enjoy can be challenging, however, the more practice and support you can build into your life, the stronger you will notice you are becoming. Balance and Sandalwood Essential Oils are 2 amazing oils to help assist in this endeavor.

Balance, also known as, Grounding Blend is primarily a combination of tree oils and roots. Trees live in the present moment. They are not in a hurry; they are stable. Balance’s soft energy is excellent for calming overactive children who have difficulty settling down. It is also a wonderful remedy for those who need to reconnect with their roots. Balance strengthens a connection with the lower body and with the earth. These connections are especially important when the upper faculties have been overused due to excessive thinking, speaking or spiritual activity. When urges sneak up on individuals, balance will help you find your strength. Balance is especially suited for personalities who seek to escape form life through disconnection and disassociation. These individuals may avoid long-term commitments in work or relationships, preferring instead to “drift” with the wind. This blend reminds individuals that to realize their true dreams and desires, they must stay focused on a goal until it is actualized in the physical world. Balance teaches true perseverance by assisting individuals in staying present with a specific plan or idea until it is embodied. Providing inner strength and fortitude, Balance teaches individuals to ground their energy and to manifest their vision with the patience of a tree. (Taken from Emotions & Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing)

Sandalwood oil is widely known for being a spiritual, sacred oil, used around the world during practices of prayer and meditation. It teaches piety and respect for God. It has the unique property of calming a busy mind, quieting any anxious thoughts or worries and allowing a person to relax into a peaceful state, letting go of their mind/ego and slipping into the present moment. This is especially true when Sandalwood is applied over the forehead, the pre-frontal cortex (area of the pineal gland), which is your worry center of the brain. Sandalwood is great during prayer and meditation because it prepares the spirit to communicate with God.

Sandalwood teaches the practice of spiritual devotion and sacrifice. It invites individuals to let go of material attachments to be able to progress spiritually. It asks individuals to assess their hearts and challenges them to re-order priorities so that they can be more aligned with our Creator’s will. I have learned that sandalwood was the wood used in the temple when the priests were walking barefoot performing their duties.

It is said that sandalwood raises us to higher levels of consciousness so that we can dig deeper within ourselves and get rid of the belief systems that no longer serve us. For those of us who are ready to relinquish attachment to fame, wealth and the need to be accepted, Sandalwood teaches how to be truly humble, devoted and have love for God unconditionally.

There is no doubt that Sandalwood encourages deep relaxation. Its sweet aromatic scent of wood invokes calmness and a sense of peace around us. This allows for better intuition and better awareness especially when opening up to and learning how to unconditionally love ourselves or God.

Oil information from: “Emotions and Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing” and “The Essential Life”

There are other behavioral activities that you can do to help increase your emotional and spiritual muscles when it comes to enticements. Contact us if you’d like to talk with us about how to build this kind of strength in your life.

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