Posts in the ‘Fitness’ Category

Enhance Your Menu’s With CPTG Essential Oils

Vegan Chocolate Balls ~ Oh Yummy!  

Exercise and Addiction Recovery

EXERCISE:  promotes the formation of blood vessels in the brain  forges connections between cells  enhances repair of neural tissue  generates new neurons in memory-formation areas. Through its actions on hormones that affect the nervous system, exercise also improves TOLERANCE OF STRESS.  This is an observation that is particularly intriguing given the links between stress and

Skills for Recovering Addicts

 Assertiveness ~ Assertiveness is having the confidence to say no when needed, and accepting limits set by others. It is taking responsibility for the consequences of your actions while allowing others to own their own feelings and actions. It means doing these things even if they make you unpopular or challenge you to step outside

Decision Making Styles

  Certain decision making styles may be more effective in different situations.  However, it is probably obvious that the searching style is the most preferred. Here is a quiz you can take to determine your style. DIRECTIONS: Read each statement and then use the one (1) to five (5) point scale to indicate the degree

Dr. Axe ~ How To Heal Broken Bones Naturally

In this video, Dr. Axe shares the top tips on how to heal broken bones naturally. If you want to repair broken bones, you’ll need to follow a specific diet, supplement regimen, lifestyle regimen, and essential oils to help your body heal much faster. He has seen broken bones heal 2-3 times faster by following

10 Ways to Help Your Child Deal With Anxiety

Very well-meaning parents sometimes fall into an enslaving cycle by trying to save their child from suffering the feelings that come with anxiety.  Sometimes this unintentionally can make the child’s anxiety worse.  It happens when parents, anticipating a child’s fears, try to protect her from them. Here are 10 things to keep in mind for

Essential Oils for Weight Loss

In today’s video, Dr. Axe  talks about essential oils for weight loss. So many people want to burn fat and lose weight fast in a safe way. Essential oils alone can’t get you to lose 20 pounds, however, it helps support your body in losing weight. There are three main essential oils that can help


Apply several drops topically to the affected area hourly or as needed. This information was taken from Essential Oils A – Z. FDA Disclaimer:  The information, advice, statements, and testimonials made about the essential oils, blends, and products mentioned on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

Be On My Team

We are here to assist you through your entrepreneurship and personal growth.
Are you looking to be your own boss?
Would you like to live a healthier and wealthier life?
Do you want to utterly love what they do every day?
Would you like to earn a thriving income from an online business that can be managed from anywhere in the world?
Would you like to make a positive difference in people’s lives?
Would you like to build a solid, sustainable recurring income that will pay them for years to come?
Would you like to be part of a committed group of like-minded entrepreneurs working to further each other’s businesses?
We look forward to hearing from you and beginning this journey with you.  Join My Team


Overall wellness involves mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health and is the result of deliberate effort. We see wellness an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as well as recovering from injury, disorders and diseases.

Wellness is all about proactively taking care of yourself. It’s what you eat, who you surround yourself with, your mindset and attitude, plus how you behave in your life and work.

Because our minds, bodies and spirits are connected, we believe in treating the person as a whole.  We know that no single approach is the right one for every individual, and so I have been trained in a range of modalities.  We take a holistic approach to our encounters with each individual.   Our human potential and resilience is amazing and we use different approaches depending on your preferences.  To begin your journey  Click Here.

Essential Oils for Emotional Support

Essential Oils for Emotional Support Asking for help is the first step in a process that will lead to your healing. We understand that it is often difficult and humbling to take this step. We are here to assist you through this phase in your recovery/healing journey. You may already know which oils you prefer. If this is you click here. This option allows you to simply purchase your oils or set yourself up to get wholesale prices any time you want by purchasing an enrollment kit. You need only purchase one item one time per year to keep this membership.

You may not be sure which oils are best for providing emotional support. If you would like to speak with me regarding which oils and/or supplements will be best for you, click here to begin your journey.

Serving the Missouri Ozarks
If you are having an emergency, pick up the phone and call 911 Immediately.