How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Be Causing Depression and Other Mood Disorders
10 Nutritional Deficiencies That Cause Depression and Mood Disorders By Kate Freer Depression and mood disorders are devastating health problems today. When you go to your doctor, their answer is often a prescription for one of the various popular anti-depressant drugs. Many doctors do not investigate for metabolic or nutritional deficiencies that may be the…
Make Over Your Mood
Maintaining a positive mood and attitude can be very challenging at times. Life can get pretty stressful, especially when trying to multitask. Chances are you are familiar with managing several tasks at once. In today’s fast-paced environment, we often experience negative moods such as stress, discouragement, and fatigue. Just as being in a good mood…
Do Men and Women Fatigue Differently?
By Alex Hutchinson Researchers debate whether sex differences are in the mind or the muscles. Earlier this year, researchers published a paper analyzing 92,000 marathon performances to determine that women are “better” at pacing themselves—that is, women slowed down by 11.7 percent on average in the second half of their races, while men slowed down by 15.6…
Power Up, Over, and Down Any Incline
By Alex Hutchinson Check out these tips to help you kill the hills. Australian miler Herb Elliott’s gut-churning sand dune workouts prior to his 1960 Olympic gold helped establish hill training as critical to every serious training plan. But simply sprinting up and down inclines isn’t a winning strategy, as Australian researchers discovered. The experts wired…
Daily Nutrient Pack ~ Long Life Vitality
This video explains the optimal zone of nutrition in which our body gets the most out of the foods we eat, the problems vitamin deficiencies can cause, and the differences between vitamin varieties. We have formulated our Daily Nutrient Pack to give the body just the right amount of nutrients, no more and no less.…
Are Bananas Healthy – Should you be eating Bananas? ~ Dr. Axe
“Hey guys, Dr. Axe here, and welcome again to the Chopping Block. Today on the Chopping Block our special guest is the banana. I will tell you, surprisingly one of the most common questions I get from people is: Are bananas good for me? Now we have heard of some of the great health benefits…
The Role of Resilience in Mental and Emotional Health
Being emotionally and mentally healthy doesn’t mean never going through bad times or experiencing emotional problems. We all go through disappointments, loss, and change. And while these are normal parts of life, they can still cause sadness, anxiety, and stress. The difference is that people with good emotional health have an ability to bounce back…
dōTERRA® Co-Impact Sourcing™
Co-impact sourcing will help ensure a long-term supply of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils while helping to strengthen economies in developing countries and improving the livelihoods of our growers around the world. Maintaining the high standard of quality set by dōTERRA® for purity, potency, and consistency of our essential oils involves following a proven…
Three Tips for Running Downhill ~ Runner’s World
By Cindy Kuzma Train on descents – without getting hurt – to build strength, boost coordination, and even have some fun. When most runners tackle hills, they focus on the difficulty of the climb. But downhill running poses its own set of challenges – and rewards. Descending feels easy aerobically, but each step triggers muscle-damaging eccentric…
Diatomaceous Earth
Most of what I have researched says to take Diatomaceous Earth on an empty stomach and to make sure you use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. I have also read warnings to wear a mask so you do not breath it into your lungs and to be careful not to get it into your eyes. I…