Vetiver Essential Oil
Click the link below to get your own Vetiver essential oil. Go to mydoterra.com/ozarkswellness to purchase yours today.
Flags for Veterans for Memorial Day
Please come on out in honor our of veterans who gave their all. The Missouri National Veterans Cemetery 5201 S Southwood Rd, Springfield, MO 65804 Join us on the Thursday before Memorial Day (May 23, 2019) as we meet up at The Missouri National Veterans Cemetery with Ruck 417 at 5:30 PM to place flags…
Support a Vet and Get Fit at the Same Time
Team RWB Springfield MO MAY WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Sunday Funday Group Workout with Sean 9-10am Phelps Grove Park Monday Running Group with Kesta 6-7pm location varies Tuesday Throwdown with Sean 6-7pm Phelps Grove Park Tuesday Running Group with Kesta 6-7pm location varies Thursday Can DO Hiking Team with Robert and Ann Crampton 6-8pm location rotates…
May 2019 Promotion
Contact Mary Kay to enroll and get your free Lifelong Vitality Pack! 609-510-4007
Team RWB Springfield MO May 2019 Activities
We are fired up about the upcoming events! The month of May is dedicated to honoring our Team RWB military veterans who we lost in 2018. At the end of the month (May 27th) we’ll be doing The Murph in honor of LT. Michael P. Murphy, a navy seal. Each week of the month we’ll…
Do You Want To Watch Something Uplifting?
My husband and I watched this on Netflix. If you are looking for something uplifting, this is a good pick. This is the story of a man who had everything but felt empty. He decided to travel the world “on kindness”. He found it in most places. People who had nothing gave from their…
How Do I Use Essential Oils Safely?
Traditionally, certain essential oil application methods have been preferred or used exclusively. However, as the research surrounding essential oils continues to develop, a greater understanding of application methods is now understood. All application methods are safe when used appropriately, including aromatic, topical, and internal methods. One or multiple application methods can be used for a…
Why Choose doTERRA Products?
When you choose doTERRA, you are choosing essential oils gently and carefully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy. Each doTERRA essential oil is also carefully and thoroughly tested using the strict CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®…