How to Detox Your Body Naturally With the Power of The Sun
Learn how to detox using the power of the Sun.
12 Habits of Highly Motivated Runners
Runner’s World By Cindy Kuzma Everyday tips for a fitter, healthier, and happier 2015. Runners dream big. Tackling a new distance, posting a personal best, losing 20 pounds–we embrace grand challenges. But what happens after you accomplish your goal, or if your resolve weakens before you succeed? You risk stalling–unless you’ve changed your routines to…
Using Essential Oils In Your Day to Day Life Is SO Important
Thomas A. Edison “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease
In today’s video Dr. Axe is going to share with you the three steps to overcome hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease. He’ll walk you through the top diet, supplements, and natural treatments to do so. Hypothyroidism is technically an autoimmune form of Hashimoto’s Disease, where your body is attacking itself and causing issues with the thyroid.…
How to Return to Running
Runner’s World Coming back after a layoff? Science shows it’s easier than you may think to start again. By Diane Stopyra Many runners have been there-lacing up for the first time after an exercise hiatus, praying to the gods of running that there is such a thing as muscle memory. For example, Jeff Alexander, a…
How To Overcome High Blood Pressure Naturally
Today Dr. Axe shares with us his top foods and supplements for overcoming high blood pressure. Blood pressure can be easily balanced out if you follow these steps in this video. Blood pressure is usually caused from excess sodium consumption, increased stress, or poor diet and exercise. For your diet there are three specific nutrients…
Triathlon Tips ~ Everything You Need to Know to Survive Race Day
Runner’s World By: Dimity McDowell FOR THE TRIATHLON, prerace prep requires more than knotting your laces and visiting the porta-potty. Try to arrive at least 90 minutes before the start so you have time to pick up your packet (if you can get it on race day), set up your transition area, and get your…
Benefits and Uses of Oil of Oregano
In today’s video, Dr. Axe shares with us the many uses and benefits of Oil of Oregano. The four unique benefits are: 1. Anti-fungal 2. Anti-bacterial 3. Anti-parasitic 4. Anti-oxidant This oil is great for issues specifically like funguses and candida, cold and flu, parasites, and anti-aging.