doTERRA Coriander Essential Oil Tip for the Skin
This video explains why using doTERRA Coriander Essential oil on your skin has wonderful benefits.
11 Ways To Reduce Inflammation, Improve Your Immunity and Cleanse Your Lymphatic System FitLifeTV
Drew with FitLifeTV describes some tips for reducing inflammation, improving immunity and cleansing your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system contains twice as much liquid as the blood vessels, it lacks a pump, such as the heart, to carry waste from the lymph glands out of the body. Because there is no pump, if we…
The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush Recipe
Have you heard of a Gallbladder Flush? It can be so beneficial for your body and may prevent gallbladder surgery!
Here are four major Interpersonal Styles. In examining them it is clear for health reasons why some are more preferred. However, all may be necessary at some point. For example, if you are in a bank and it gets robbed. It may benefit you to be quiet and not draw attention to yourself. However, if…
Empathy is a form of openness. It is a communication skill. It is important for effective communication to occur. Here is a model for how to communicate empathy: It’s important when you are sharing what you observed to be specific with details and try to give the person’s exact words. Try not to use labels…
How Does Stress Impact Your Body
There are types or forms of stress. Eustress is stress that we like (basketball games, running, etc). Distress is stress that we do not like (bills, conflicts, difficulties with work etc). Both can be harmful if we do not give ourselves a break. Take a look at what the doctors say about stress.
dōTERRA™ Wellness Philosophy
dōTERRA™ Essential Wellness is a company founded on a wellness philosophy of healthy lifestyle choices and informed proactive participation in one’s own healthcare alternatives. dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils and other wellness products are specifically formulated to support a wellness philosophy of eating right, exercising, resting and managing stress, and reducing toxic load.…
Blocks To Effective Listening
Just being quiet while someone talks DOES NOT constitute good listening. To be capable listener, you MUST collaborate in the process by asking questions and getting feedback from the speaker to determine if you are understanding him or her correctly. The goal is to give the speaker the feeling of having been HEARD. The first…
Happy Father’s Day
Ozarks Wellness Center wishes all the fathers out there a very happy Father’s Day!